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SME Marketeers Marketing Project

Pay Per Click Marketing Campaign

What it is

You may have heard of, or even tried a bit of Pay Per Click advertising. Pay Per Click advertising - as the name suggests - means whilst your advert may be displayed to many people, you only pay when someone clicks on your advert.

PPC campaigns can be run on Google (including Google Display Network) and Bing, but also across social platforms - LinkedIn, FB, Insta etc.

Whilst Organic Search and Organic Social can take time to build, Pay Per Click advertising can get you in front of your audience immediately. It can also support your SEO campaigns providing further insights in to keywords being used to reach your site, whilst also driving traffic to your site that may return through searching for your business directly. The benefit to PPC is that you only pay when your advert is clicked.

What it is
How it helps

How it helps

Many small business owners tell us they 'had a go' and put £100 in to Google Ads or Facebook Ads but it didn't work.

Often this is because there was little forethought given to the campaign. It's essential to first understand who you are trying to reach, what message will appeal to those people, what keywords are appropriate (and are there perhaps longer phrases that might be more appropriate?) who are you competitors (e.g. how deep are their pockets!) and what return do you want for your spend. For example, if you are a massage therapist in Burnham, you might think bidding on the keyword 'massage' as a good idea. However, this will quite likely just burn your budget and you will more likely be better served by bidding on 'massage therapist in Burnham.' Whilst there may be fewer searches, the search intent is more clear and the searcher is looking for someone nearby.

The key to a good pay per click campaign is relevancy. Picking 'relevant' keywords. Ensuring the relevancy of your message to the search term and finally, the relevancy of the landing page to both the advert and the original search term.

Examples of our work

Examples of our work

Average CPC 24p. CTR hits 20% and 80 leads delivered on a very unique proposition.

Looking to attract people wanting to set up their own Funeral Business, we 'undertook' very careful keyword selection, which combined with targeted advertising messaging and a very targeted landing page produced impressive PPC results for a very unique campaign, with 23 of our keywords having a CTR over 5%, 9 over 10% which and 2 at 20%. Overall, we delivered 80 qualified leads to Funeral Marketing, and our average CPC was 24p!

Furthermore, driving volumes of traffic to the site provided Google with data and metrics which helped this new site to rank well organically also.

Funeral Marketing PPC campaign to attract new Funeral Directors wanting to start up

Funeral Marketing

How to guide to Pay Per Click

Learn more about SEO and how to apply it to your website with our 'how to' guides to SEO including videos worksheets and links to further resources

How to Guide to Pay Per Click - what is is, plus how, why and when to use it
Further resources
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